
Thursday, 20 September 2012


Lazada.com.... The new era of shopping online...

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or e-comm, is the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on such technologies as electronic funds transfersupply chain managementInternet marketingonline transaction processingelectronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the transaction's life-cycle, although it may encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices and telephones as well.

Click here to find out more about Lazada http://www.lazada.com.my

Lazada is one of leading online business in Malaysia along with Zalora. Lazada sells a lot of gadget from laptops, tablets, smartphones, cameras and also home appliances. They give a very cheap price that we can rarely find in other shops.

Method of Ordering Their Products

we can buy the products from Lazada by:
  1. click on the items that you want to buy.
  2. change the quantity if you want to buy more than one of the same products.
  3. lastly, click "add to cart" button on the right-hand side of the screen
Method of Payment

  1. Lazada accepts Visa, Mastercard, Allianz Bank, AmBank, CIMB Bank, FPX, Hong Leong, Maybank, and RHB Bank.
  2. Other than that type of payment, customer also can transfer the money into their account or pay cash on delivery.
Method of Delivery

Lazada delivers their products using GDex.

Campus Area Network ( CAN )

Campus Area Network (CAN)

campus area network known as (CAN) is used to inter-connect networks in limited geographical locality like university campus, military bases, or organizational campuses etc.  It can be taken as the metropolitan network that has the specific settings at the small area just like a computer lab in the university.

CAN (Campus Area Network) area is no doubt larger than a local area network but it is still smaller then a wide area network. These networks are designed for the particular place that hits the highest point level. For example, multiple labs, multiple offices in the buildings etc. most of the time, this term is referred as the university campus but when it is used at organizational level, we call it corporate campus network.

As we have discussed above it is smaller than a wide area network and multiple Local Area Network (LAN) combines in one organization or regions to make a Campus Area Network (CAN). Therefore, whenever some one tells you about the networks within the specific area, you can easily guess that it is campus network.

Infrastructure of CAN (Campus Area Network):

In this kind of networking, the same technology along with the hardware is used in different buildings of one campus or one corporation. They follow the same terminologies like the local area networks but the difference is that they are interconnected between the multiple buildings at the particular location. Just imagine a university campus in which you have multiple departments such as information technology, electronics, mass communication and fine arts etc and in all these departments computer labs, they have implemented the same infra -structure of hardware and other technologies using the Local area network as the main tool,  and one message sent by one department can be accessed by the other department, then we say that the network is following the techniques of Campus Area Network (CAN) .

Same is the case with the corporation or organizations which have different departments in one locality and these departments can communicate with each other using the communication medium of CAN (Campus Area Network). In Campus Area Networking (CAN) system the same type of hardware means that routers, switches, hubs, cabling and even wireless connection points are same in the multiple buildings. We can say that theses all networking resources are owned by the same organization. If we talk about the internet connection companies, we see that one university uses the same connection for all of its departments. In CAN (Campus Area Network), just like the internet connection, one company has dealings with the entire organization.

How CAN (Campus Area Networks) Work, Uses of CAN 
As we know that universities are the best example of this type of interconnection hence, different blocks of universities such as administrative office, educational departments, staff rooms, gymnasium, common room, hostels and conference halls when connected with each other combine to form the CAN (Campus Area Network). In most cases, corporate campuses are connected through the wireless communication mediums rather than cabling and wirings because they are more economical to use as compare to the long wiring and cabling. Organizations do follow this strategy because they always try to maintain the best outcome by investing less and with the wireless communication throughout their building offices, they can manage their budget that they may be spending on the wiring, hubs, switches etc. they can perform the same task by only connecting one or two devices at their main office and providing signals to other departments which they can use without any difficulty.

Campus Area networks (CAN) are economical, beneficial and easy to implement in the specific kilometers of locality. It is very helpful for the universities and other corporate organizations to work from any block and receive the same speed of data transfer.

Develop your anger management skills

For those who have a tough time controlling their anger, an anger management plan might help. Think of this as your emotional control class, and try these self-help anger management tips:

Ask yourself this question: "Will the object of my anger matter ten years from now?" Chances are, you will see things from a calmer perspective.

Ask yourself: "What is the worst consequence of the object of my anger?" If someone cut in front of you at the book store check-out, you will probably find that three minutes is not such a big deal.

Imagine yourself doing the same thing. Come on, admit that you sometimes cut in front of another driver, too ... sometimes by accident. Do you get angry at yourself?

Ask yourself this question: "Did that person do this to me on purpose?" In many cases, you will see that they were just careless or in a rush, and really did not mean you any harm.

Try counting to ten before saying anything. This may not address the anger directly, but it can minimize the damage you will do while angry.

Try some "new and improved" variations of counting to ten. For instance, try counting to ten with a deep slow breathe in between each number. Deep breathing -- from your diaphragm -- helps people relax.

Or try pacing your numbers as you count. The old "one-steamboat-two-steamboat, etc." trick seems kind of lame to me. Steamboats are not the best devices to reduce your steam. How about "One-chocolate-ice-cream-two-chocolate-ice-cream", or use something else that you find either pleasant or humorous.

Visualize a relaxing experience. Close your eyes, and travel there in your mind. Make it your stress-free oasis.

One thing I do not recommend is "venting" your anger. Sure, a couple swift blows to your pillow might make you feel better (better, at least, than the same blows to the door!), but research shows that "venting" anger only increases it. In fact, speaking or acting with any emotion simply rehearses, practices and builds that emotion.

If these tips do not help and you still feel you lack sufficient anger management skills, you might need some professional help, either in the form of a therapist specializing in anger management or a coach with a strong background in psychology.

10 tips for travelling abroad

There’s no reason why anything should go wrong on our trips overseas, but there are a series of simple steps and precautions recommended by the foreign office to help you stay safe and secure during your travels.

1. Locate the embassy
Perhaps the first thing you should do is find out where the nearest embassy will be – check their website to find out what services they offer and their opening times in case you need their help when you are abroad.
2. NHS travel health information
You should also visit the NHS travel health information page before you travel, where you can research any health risks for the country you will be visiting.
3. If needed, visit your GP
If necessary you can visit your GP for any appropriate inoculations.
4. European Health Insurance Card
If you are travelling within the European Economic Area you can also get a free European Health Insurance Card for free or reduced emergency care.
5. In emergency, call 112
Remember, you can call 112 to contact the emergency services in any EU country.
6. Follow the local laws
It’s important that you research your local destination, so that you don’t inadvertently flout and local laws or customs.
7. Protect your valuables
Once there don’t openly display valuables such as mobile phones or digital cameras and consider using a padlock on suitcases or backpacks.
8. Avoid misunderstandings
Be careful when taking photographs, videos or using binoculars. Such activities may be misunderstood, especially near military installation.
9. Check the water
Check whether it’s safe to drink local tap water. If not, stick to bottled water and avoid salads, non-peeling fruit and ice in drinks.
10. Travel insurance
Before you go you should also make sure you take out comprehensive travel insurance, in case your property is stolen or you get injured or sick while you’re abroad.
These are all simple steps, that take no time at all to tick off a check-list, but could make all the difference to your experience while you travel abroad.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

5 tips for a safe online shopping . .

Online shopping is a new way to buy product. We can just browse to the website, choose an item, click for payment and tadaa !!.. the product will be on your door step after few days.. But some times we heard that there is a fraud cases while shopping online. To avoid that from happen, this is a few steps that you can follow:
  • Choose Credit Over Debit: You probably don’t often hear advice to use a credit card instead of a debit card or cash, but if you can do it responsibly, you absolutely should. Credit cards offer protection from identity theft that debit cards don’t. However, if you’re using your debit card online and someone gains access to it, they can clean out your checking account before you even learn there’s a problem. It’s likely you’ll get part of that money back, but possible that it can take a while, and that you won’t get it all. So, use a credit card instead and pay the bill off monthly.
  • Disposable Is Better: Even better than using a credit card is to use a disposable credit card. Disposable credit cards work just like most gift cards. You add a specified dollar amount to the card, and it’s good until that is gone. Once it’s gone, you can add more, or purchase a new one. And both Visa and American Express now offer these cards in varying amounts, so they’re easy to get hold of. The bonus is that if the number from a disposable credit card is stolen, it’s anonymous, and criminals can’t gain access to anything more than the dollar amount that’s still available on the card.
  • Verify Website Security: The variety that’s available when shopping online can be dizzying, but it doesn’t stop at just the products and prices that are available online. There are also different levels of security that are available online, and you want to be aware of them. Some online web sites don’t offer secure shopping. That means that savvy criminals can capture everything that you enter onto a form on those sites, including your personal and credit information. If you’re going to shop online, limit yourself to secure sites. You can tell if a site is secure by the URL. A secure web site starts with HTTPS:// instead of HTTP://. Secure sites will also have a small lock icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Don’t Shop Publically: If you plan to do any shopping online, do it at home. At home, you can shop in your pajamas and you can do it any time of the day or night. You also know who accesses your computer at home. If you’re using a public computer such as at the library, at a cyber café, or at work to do your shopping, you have no control over who might be using that computer as well. You also don’t have any control over what kind of spyware or malware might be infecting that computer. So, just don’t do it. Shop at home. It’s much safer.
  • Don’t Store Information Elsewhere: Many shopping sites, even the major ones, offer you the ability to save your credit card information on their servers to speed the shopping process. Think Amazon.com’s OneClick shopping. It’s definitely faster, but there are some risks to maintaining your personal information elsewhere. If a company that you’re shopping with has a data breach, your personal information could be put at risk. It takes a little longer, but instead of storing your information on some server that you have no control over, just enter it yourself each time you shop.
Price and selection are two of the best benefits to shopping online. But don’t let the benefits lull you into complacency. Take the time to shop securely, and use caution with the sites that you choose to shop on. Then, not only can you find great deals, but you can do it without the worry that your identity will be stolen in the process.